In Australia the Red-necked Crake is restricted to
rainforests in north Queensland. ·
It occupies the dense, moist understorey of lowland
and foothill forests, often where cyclone damage has created tangles of spiny
climbing palms. ·
Reports that it is mainly crepuscular and nocturnal
have not been substantiated. ·
It breeds during the spring and summer, when its
loud territorial calls are uttered more often.
Calling frequency is probably greatest during late afternoon and early
evening. · Parent-chick communication includes warnings. When the alarm is given, the little black chicks of the red-necked crake scatter, crouch and remain immobile. They also send out high-pitched whistles which may help the parents to locate them again once danger has passed. (Source: Environmental Protection Agency) · Near Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodge it occurs sparsely, at places including Lake Barrine, Malanda Falls and the Cathedral Fig.
Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodges |